One of the small, two-person ships that began as standard Brigade-issue system-ships, but evolved over time into state-of-the-art, multi-mission, thruspace fighters.

Brigade Tiger
Depending upon the nature and duration of its mission, an extensive range of life support, weapons and powerplant components may be fixed to the standard, Brigade-issue, two-person, fighter frame, wed to one of three progressively larger, mission-specific cargo hoppers. The hoppers may be fitted with any number of cargo packs, and are the delivery casement of choice for both Dumb-Chuck and Brainy-Boy minibombs. Once the mission augmentations have been mounted on the frame, the iconic Tiger hull is fitted over it and locked, the explosive bolts armed and the one-way permeable shield engaged. The shield can withstand Hyon beam attacks of up to 34,000 bamps, impact-point assaults to 18,000 and, in some cases, is enhanced with an array of pilot and/or gunner-manipulated Geisha Guard fan shields. As has been demonstrated under a variety of extreme circumstances, any of the Tiger’s cargo hoppers can double as an escape pod when crewmembers find they must eject into surroundings deemed something less than life-friendly. The powerplant combines a Proserpina K-Krystal Rack Matrix, common in thru-space vessels, with the articulated photon hoop surrounding a guidance stinger that gives the Brigade Tiger its oh-so-recognizable tail assembly. The powerplant is fed with the same sonic fuel that keeps the Brigade Chorus and Drum Corps swimming in royalty checks (See: Us Against the Void).