
Glossary Entry: Temptation Cloister

Temptation Cloister Flyer & Sister Bot in Lee and Kaluta's Starstruck.

Temptation Cloister Flyer & Sister Bot

Located on the infamous Rec Station 97, Temptation Cloister is, arguably, the most tempting of all the Cosmic Veil’s cloisters, due to the various gluttony, lust & greed-inducing businesses in close proximity. It is also prey to the excess noise and distraction that the Sisterhood so abhors. According to recent studies, upwards of 82% of would-be nunz are led astray (into temptation) on the very short walk between the ships’ nursery and the Down-see-Daisy to the Cloister. Luckily, or perhaps due to good planning, Temptation Cloister is a smallish cloister, so that the loss of any prospective sisters is less of a problem than it might be. The Sisterhood’s recruiting program, carried out by sisterbots manned with flyers, is more than able to supply the nunz to make up for any shortfall. Many a female spacer, left penniless, drunk, ashamed, or bereft of hope outside some bar, casino, or peeny palace, has made an impulse decision to become a sister, after having a bot thrust a flyer into her face.