
Glossary Entry: Soul Key

During the cycles of the Droid Wars, the galaxy’s endangered android population became worried about the precarious position of the souls of the humans who had come to their aid and were therefore more likely to cease their existence. Unlike the droids, these humans were singular beings and had no other members of a line with which to share soul. (See: Soul Sharing) When the human went, the soul went, at least as far as the droids could see. So, a rather large Andromediconian faction of droid society had a 7-channel summit, lasting about 37 ribecs, to decide what might be done about this. The idea of a soul key, an implanted device that would attract, capture and hold the soul, or “field of selfness” of the human upon occasion of their death was put forward, seconded, voted on and accepted. Being Andromedicones, they quickly designed and produced the devices and had them ritually implanted in their human friends. The purpose of the ritual was to ensure that the aforementioned humans would go along with the idea that a droid-conceived and manufactured device be implanted under the skin of their dominant arm. They were being reverenced, after all. It was generally thought among the humans who received them that the keys were merely symbolic: small, private trophies of sorts. Soul keys were and are treated as badges of honor. Whether or not they function as soul catchers is still up for grabs.