A small flying mammal native to the now nonexistent planet, Shangri-La (see: Incorporated Elysian Republic). The average shreeguh weighs about 8 mili-milos, is about 11 nihlons tall, and looks something like an Amercadian Spaniel with wings. The wings themselves are strong, leathery and covered with tough, grayish scales that resemble human toenails. Shreegae make wonderful pets. The most ferocious member of the Shreeguh family, the Steel-Taloned Shreeguh, has retractable talons in its forepaws. These talons are razor sharp and serve to make the Steel-Taloned Shreeguh a formidable opponent. They are highly prized as watch animals and intensely loyal to their owners. The Steel-Taloned Shreeguh was the official animal of the Incorporated Elysian Republic (which was neither heavenly, nor a republic) and still appears on the family crest of The Bajars of Seven Planets. The Galactic Survey lists the Shreeguh on the endangered species list. There are only about 2,500 of them in existence, most on the planet Mirage.

Steel-Taloned Shreeguh