An organization that, according to its own recruiting literature, “builds character and encourages assertiveness in young Amercadians,” though whether or not character can actually be built remains unproven. (see: Free Will, Theory of) As to how this is to be accomplished, there seems to be a lot of camping, knot tying and the walking of geezers across busy intersections involved. (see: Geezers)

Rocket Ranger
Most thinking sentients take the whole character-building claim with a large grain of salt. According to more reputable sources, the Rangers exist primarily to funnel semi-trained recruits directly into the Amercadian Space Brigade’s Academy, which (by extension) exists primarily to funnel fully trained recruits directly into the Amercadian Space Brigade. With membership at first open only to Amercadians, the organization eventually welcomed humanoid males from other galactic races. In 113 AE, the Rocket Rangers even opened their doors to Teoman who, while arguably humanoid, are not precisely male. (see: Teoman) Many famous (and infamous) humanoid (and other) males claim membership to the Rangers, including Typhoon Weatherall, PCKA Bajar, and semi-famous historian, Dwanyun of Griivarr. Griivarr’s memoir of his childhood Ranger experience, Of Playgrounds and Pecking Orders, inspired the WWHAMMY winning lasaround, Rocket Rangers of the Omniverse, and its many sequels.