
Glossary Entry: Omegazons

Omegan Amazons. It is commonly believed that women prisoners banded together on the automated farming disque and penal colony, Omega 6, after it was abandoned at the overthrow of the Incorporated Elysian Republic, in order to protect themselves from certain undesirable elements on the colony. Many such prisoner bands were formed, the stronger growing into tribes. The Omegazons grew to be one of the strongest tribes due, so they claim, to their religious beliefs. These warrior women, led by a Priestess-Queen, worshipped the Star Mother, a triple Goddess strikingly similar to Orakian and Old Terran lunar deities (or deity, as they are claimed to be aspects of the same One Goddess). This is more than a little strange, as the Omega Disque has no moon. Legend has it that Trivia, Priestess of the Mother, walked down to Omega 6 on a tiny beam of starlight, bringing word of the Star Mother’s love to her women. Young girls were trained in the way of the sword and, later, the bow. They were topnotch fighters. Male tribe members were often strays, or ex-slaves, won during raids on other tribes. They were offered protection in exchange for performing certain domestic and child-rearing duties. Often, the Omegazons raided enemy tribes (such as that of the unusually mean and incredibly stupid Lyconian Dromo Rustlers) in order to free their female captives. Women who had spent any time at all with the Dromo Rustlers were not good for fighting and were brought into the tribe on the same basis as the men.

Omegazon Priestess

Omegazon Priestess

Omegazon PriestessOmegazon PriestessRec Pol