A late, unfinished and unpublished (or, at least, never officially published) novel of Hugo Award-winning author Ronnie Lee Ellis, Newniverse tracks the adventures of conjoined twins Phaleef and Elron as they attempt to create a new universe (see: Multiverse, Minor Divisions of the) by finding and entering an anomaly called Looking Glass, which legend asserts is a portal to previously unclaimed Multiversal real estate. Early chapters of the book were unearthed (or devoided) by Rootersnoos ferret Jimmy the Snout, with portions made public in his well-received docudrama, Where in the Multiverse is Ronnie Lee Ellis? Shortly after Miz Ellis’s unexplained departure from Everywhere, a book entitled Newniverse, with introduction by Jimmy the Snout, became a pan-galactic bestseller. The estate of Ronnie Lee Ellis and the Cloistered Order of the Cosmic Veil (who received the bulk of the estate, when Miz Ellis was declared dead by the Writers Guild of Amercadia North) filed suit against the publisher, Mindz Eye Books, claiming that neither they nor Miz Ellis had ever given Mindz Eye the rights to publish the work. Furthermore, they claimed the later chapters of the book had been written by an uncredited ghost that had not been vetted by the estate. Called as a witness in the resulting civil trial, Jimmy the Snout testified that he had, in fact, never written the introduction credited to him at the beginning of the book. The court found in favor of the plaintiffs and required the publisher to pay the sum of 560,000,000 standard galactic credits.