A stage name used by certain theatrically inclined Aguatunesian empaths, Mystic Nyts of the Sea is a registered trademark of Uncle Bob’s Fantanimalland, a hugely popular theme park in Hon Ober, on Hon Grii, Griivarr Worlds.

Mystic Nyts
Visitors to the park’s Aguacade are invited to feed the Nyts with processed food pellets, which must be won by catching a hard-to-grasp floating ring, after which they may “think a question” to the performing Nyts. The Nyts then swim into patterns that spell out the words of the answer. As the park’s humanoid patrons tend to think the same five or ten questions over and over again, ad nauseum, this miraculous feat of mind-reading is somewhat less remarkable than it would seem to the casual viewer. If traveling to Aguatunesia, it is important to note that Mystic Nyts of the Sea is not an Aguatunesian self-name recognized by any governing school of Aguatunesia. Most natives of the water world find the name slightly insulting.