1) A membrane-enclosed organelle, found in most eukaryotic cells, that generates adenosine triphosphate, a source of chemical energy. 2) One of two inhabited planets in the Phoebus System, on the inner edge of the Last Frontier, the other being New Wyoming, though the name “Mitochondria” is sometimes used to refer to both the planet and the nearby Krystal-rich asteroid belt. For most of its history an unpleasant ball of rock and ice, this fifth planet of the Phoebus System rates a “must see” from the Starhopper Tours Traveler’s Companion. After its neighboring planet, Vaikuntha, was blown to smithereens (or at least into many Krystal-bearing asteroids) at the end of the Revolution, Mitochondria became the base of mining operations for the new Mitochondrian Krystal Belt, though the planet itself could hardly be called hospitable.

Mitochondrian Krystal Belt
The planet stayed inhospitable for the next 90-odd cycles. Once the Krystal miners were united under the new Glorianan religion, Krystal Light, the planet became the seat of their new government. Needless to say, the government has spent a pretty penny spiffing the place up. Tourists visiting any planet in the Phoebus System should be sure to pick up at least one of the redundantly named, but absolutely fabulous Mitochondrian Krystal Belts.