The leading credit export of the Xychromo Zone, Krabian Slavegirls are spliced and bred to be “The ‘Insignificant Other’ for the Man Who Can’t Commit.” What this means is this: 1) They are built like the proverbial brick pagoda, 2) they have brains the size of pinto beans, and 3) though they live to mate, they only mate once and then immediately lay their eggs and die. (This is, according to one ad campaign, “The kind of planned obsolescence a guy can learn to love!”) Krabian young hatch quickly, but remain in the larval stage for 427 standard cycles. Krabians are spliced from a mix of human and Lacertian stock. Their sale has been banned in most of the civilized Multiverse (see: Multiverse, Civilized), though the ban has done little to slow the trade in Krabians and, in at least one case, was even used as a sales pitch: “Our Krabians Are So Darned Bad, They’re Banned in the Civilized Multiverse!”

Krabian Slavegirl