A well-known Rootersnoos Ferret, famous for his reports on the Rec Station News service, his news magazine show 48 Marbecs (a production of Rootersnoos, in conjunction with Rec Station Infotainment), his shock of wavy reddish hair and his boyish good looks. Jimmy burst onto the galactic scene in AE 122, as the tap-dancing teen “Cubby” on Uncle Bob’s Fantanimals, the long-running children’s show produced by Griivarr Worlds Funtasm. Rumored to be a RIP zoner (person addicted to Running In Place, the popular means of life-extension), the Snout’s physical appearance has changed remarkably little since his days of hoofing it with his four-, six- and nine-legged pals.

Rootersnoos Ferret, Jimmy the Snout