
Glossary Entry: Guide/Ranger Camporee, the Annual

A week of camping, contests and camaraderie for active members of the Galactic Girl Guides and (Boy) Rocket Rangers, the 3GRR Camporee is the ultimate in “girls versus boys” competition. The event is almost always held on the Galactic Girl Guide Mobile Campground and Headquarters, as this allows the Camporee to serve those Guides and Rangers hailing from “Bumpkinville in the Zero Zone” or even as far away as “Bum-Boot, Egypt, in the Byzon Galaxy.” Campers must register for the event through their respective organizations and are sent invitations with the Campground’s coordinates just units before the Camporee’s opening ceremonies, in order to keep the spoilsports guessing! Camporee games include the usual sack racing, knot tying, swimming and blaster-tag competitions, as well as sing-a-longs and tall tales around the campfire. The highlight of the 7-Unit event is the Soup-Can Derby, in which Guide and Ranger teams race kid-made airships made of cannibalized parts and thrown together with the proverbial “duct tape, gum and baling wire,” the first step to building something space-worthy! The three exciting units leading up to the Derby are spent souping up cans, developing an arsenal of dirty tricks, and trying to find and destroy the opponents’ entries

Soup Can Derby Trophy

Soup Can Derby Trophy