The military arm of Amercadia, whose motto is: “Good ‘Til the Last Drops.” Shortly after the Unification of Sovereign Townships ended the only longish period of peace in Old Terran History, the Associated Governments of the United States and Canada (now Amercadia) began to wonder what THEY were up to. All the little home guards were made into one big HOME GUARD. Its chief function was to protect Amercadia from THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE. When nobody came, Amercadia began to have bigger worries. If THEY weren’t coming from the other side of the globe, there was a good chance THEY were planning an attack from the inside. Thus began a rather dark period of Amercadian history (see: National Delusion, the) that only ended when Amercadians believed they had located an even more powerful enemy. After all, if THEY weren’t coming from the other side of the globe, and THEY weren’t planning an attack from the inside, THEY must be coming from OUT THERE. Amercadia mobilized a great space fleet. Brave lads and lasses were “recruited” into the new Amercadian Space Brigade and prepared to go OUT THERE. The Brigade’s chief function was to protect Amercadia from THOSE BEINGS OUT THERE. Once they got OUT THERE, they discovered that no one in the wider multiverse had even the slightest interest in Amercadia. Having been robbed of their raison d’etre, they pondered the alternatives. They adapted. Their chief functions became PRESERVE AND SUSTAIN THE BRIGADE. The brigade prospered and grew, trading its military might to an ally HERE for… oh let’s say Borinyum Krystals… becoming involved in a small conflict THERE and being repaid by an oh-so-grateful government with a tiny shipment of monopoles. Amercadia itself became less and less a real place and more and more an ideal of the Brigade. Amercadia’s chief function became FEED THE BRIGADE.

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