A Standard Galactic Unit of Time, the Nargon is roughly (usually just a tad more than) 1/6th of a Standard Cycle and is comprised of 30(ish) Malton Units.
Neuter Booter
One who copulates or would enjoy copulating with a non-sentient and/or genderless creature or substance. The expression came into vogue, early this Era, shortly after PIeasure Putty®, a product of Bargain Bliss® (a division of Living Doll Cybernetics®, a company specializing in the development and marketing of non-sentient “love toys”), appeared on the market. The spearhead of the ad campaign that launched Pleasure Putty® onto the Galactic Scene was the slogan, “Why boot something with a mind of its own?” The derogatory term “neuter booter” was, for those who thought they had better things to boot, a way of lashing back at those who kept Bargain Bliss in business and the slogan on the airwaves.
Neutral Zones
During the Expansionist Era, the first Neutral Zone was declared shortly after two Amercadian Scouts were lost in the vicinity of Barnard’s Star. The last recorded communication from the ship (the Beaver) still echoes, echoes, echoes down the hollow arm of Father Time…
Rongschilde: Sure is quiet…?
Jones: Yeah…too quiet.
By the early days of IER-CO, any slice, hunk, wedge or space of space deemed responsible for three verified disappearances of sentient beings became a lawfully designated Neutral Zone. Verification Recordings, Neutral Zone 8:
1) “It’s amazing! It’s FANTASTIC!!! It’s… it’s…” (static)
2) “I see a… l see… I…” (static)
3) “These reports musta been fakes. This place is as safe as a…” (static)
As the concept of Neutral Zones caught on, some beings found it convenient to augment the ruling to fit other situations. Areas of dispute plagued by border wars (where there was no real profit motive) soon became Neutral Zones, saving wear and tear on the Borderees. This ruling was enforced by Expansionist and, later, IER-CO authorities, in an effort to quiet troubled trade areas. Toward the end of the Stagnation, PAHM Bajar began an experiment using Vercadian Protector Androids to defend the Zones. During the early AnarchEra cycles (when, for all practical purposes, there were no authorities), the incredibly expensive Vercadian Protector Androids became the chief means of enforcing Neutral Zones. If you were rich enough to have a droid, you could have a Zone.

A late, unfinished and unpublished (or, at least, never officially published) novel of Hugo Award-winning author Ronnie Lee Ellis, Newniverse tracks the adventures of conjoined twins Phaleef and Elron as they attempt to create a new universe (see: Multiverse, Minor Divisions of the) by finding and entering an anomaly called Looking Glass, which legend asserts is a portal to previously unclaimed Multiversal real estate. Early chapters of the book were unearthed (or devoided) by Rootersnoos ferret Jimmy the Snout, with portions made public in his well-received docudrama, Where in the Multiverse is Ronnie Lee Ellis? Shortly after Miz Ellis’s unexplained departure from Everywhere, a book entitled Newniverse, with introduction by Jimmy the Snout, became a pan-galactic bestseller. The estate of Ronnie Lee Ellis and the Cloistered Order of the Cosmic Veil (who received the bulk of the estate, when Miz Ellis was declared dead by the Writers Guild of Amercadia North) filed suit against the publisher, Mindz Eye Books, claiming that neither they nor Miz Ellis had ever given Mindz Eye the rights to publish the work. Furthermore, they claimed the later chapters of the book had been written by an uncredited ghost that had not been vetted by the estate. Called as a witness in the resulting civil trial, Jimmy the Snout testified that he had, in fact, never written the introduction credited to him at the beginning of the book. The court found in favor of the plaintiffs and required the publisher to pay the sum of 560,000,000 standard galactic credits.
Slang for any member of the Acadian Non-Brigade, the term based on the Non-Brigade’s rejection of their Amercadian brethren and usually meant as an insult when uttered by a member of the Amercadian Space Brigade.
Nomantic City
An iffy level of Rec 97, located just above the infamous gutters. Nomantic City is crowded with Boot Burrows, Peeny Palaces, inns that specialize in Honeymoon Suites (complete with oversized tubs, heart-shaped beds, and complimentary Champagne) that are rarely used by anyone on an actual Honeymoon, and at least 108 No-Tell Motels of the type that rent rooms by the marbec. Company, both the humanoid and the cyberform variety, is very easy to come by on the level, though most prefer to exchange that companionship for Standard Galactic Credits. A word of warning: When visiting Nomantic City, it is best not to visit alone.
Personal assistant to starhopping celebutante, Verloona Ti, during her years as owner and CEO of the Temple of Beauty chain. Norm (last name unknown) was, by all accounts, involved in an unrequited love relationship with his boss.
An acronym for Neuro-Organic Refurbished Mesocomputer, the one-of-a-kind ship’s brain on the spacefaring fleshcraft owned by starhopping celebutante, Verloona Ti. It is said NORM is a brain with his own mind, exerting absolute control over all of the ship’s (ship’s?) functions, but having no control whatsoever over his (its) feelings for his (its) owner. Some of those who have witnessed, firsthand, the relationship between Miz Ti and her brain have reported it to be an example of a dysfunction of epic proportions.
Nouvelle Orleans
The uppermost level on the Vale of Tiers on Rec 97, one of the 483 (at this printing) Recreation Stations in our Galaxy, arguably the most challenging. Nouvelle Orleans is an Acadian-themed level and a popular destination for R-n-R with members of the Acadian Non-Brigade, its décor, music, food and attractions boasting features gleaned from French-speaking Amercadia, historic Acadia and mythic France, as well as from the Cajun Colonies. Most tourist guides recommend the nightclub Le Bombarde for its lively music, though we warn likely patrons that the hostesses, known as Bon Temps Gals, are also known for having light fingers. When visiting Nouvelle Orleans, it is a good idea to guard your wallet. Avoid mimes at all cost.