
  • I
  • I Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow ‘Cause I Get Better-Lookin’ Every Malton Unit

    Subtitled The Life and Times of Brucilla the Muscle: Woman of War, Lucky in Love, this autobiography of the infamous ex-brigader   from Kansas, Amercadia, the original manuscript recorded on a Galactic Girl Guide “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” recording myd, became a Galactic Best Seller, when first published in AE 178.

    Incorporated Elysian Republic

    Neither a paradise, nor a republic, the Incorporated Elysian Republic, otherwise known as IER-CO, was the official name given to the civilized multiverse (as far as it was then known), during the problematic reign of Pontious Augustus Henry Mohammed Bajar, more commonly remembered as the Dread Dictator. At the end of the Rebellion that resulted in the overthrow of said dictator, the First Galactic Council for Deciding What to Do Next came to the unanimous decision that the civilized Multiverse (however it was to be known) would hereafter remain unnamed. Officially, that is. The thought was that any official name might tend to raise the hopes of the populace in a manner that was sure to result in depression on a massive scale, should the name not be lived up to. The new age, of course, was dubbed AnarchEra and would retain that name until the time of the Great Change.

    Inter-Imix Symbols

    An agreed-upon set of images meant to convey basic information about the nature of sentient (and a few non-sentient) beings across interplanetary cultures, initially used to mark restrooms and any doors or containers fitted with faction/race/species-specific locks. The original 13 Inter-Imix symbols, widley considered to be human-centric by cyberforms and most non-human organic races, were adopted during the First Galactic Council for Deciding What to Do Next. Since every member of the Council was either wholly or partially human, it didn’t give two boots in a black hole what the non-human inhabitants of the Multiverse thought about its symbols.